A Marketing Perspective on Innovation: For Disciplinary Perspectives on Innovation

Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship(2019)

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This section presents an overview of the marketing perspective on innovation. From a marketing perspective, the role of innovation in an organization is to create a steady stream of new products and services that meets the needs of customers. The role of marketing is to carry the voice of the customer into the organization, in order to infuse decisions with this customer-centric perspective. The marketing discipline offers a number of different lenses through which innovation is studied, including acustomer lens (e.g., factors that affect customers’ decisions to adopt innovation and different categories of adopters; the rate and trajectory of adoption and diffusion of innovations; various research protocols and tools to study customer needs and perceptions of innovation; and the intersection of innovation and consumption from a cultural perspective); acompany lens (e.g., the new product development process, product launch strategies, the interactions between marketing personnel and engineering/RDan inter-firm relationship lens (including the role of suppliers, alliance/partners, channel retailers and distributors, and innovation ecosystem partners); and the lens of thebroader market environment (such as government labs, industry consortia, etc.). In addition, this section identifies future opportunity areas where marketing can offer its distinctive perspective on innovation, including, for example, the role of social influencers in adoption of innovation; data-driven innovation; new types of innovation (reverse innovation, sustainable innovation, social innovation, and business model innovation); platform innovations/ innovation ecosystems; and biomimicry.
Entrepreneurship,Marketing,Management,Product Innovation,Product development,New product diffusion,Strategic management of technology and innovation
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