Redox potential change by the cystine importer affected on enzymatic antioxidant protection in Deinococcus geothermalis

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek(2020)

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Radiation resistant bacteria genus Deinococcus species were well studied on DNA repair and anti-oxidative stress response mechanisms. There are many protection factors as enzymatic and nonenzymatic involved. One of them is intracellular redox potential as like thiol compounds including cysteine acts as primary protectant against oxidation stress. A gene cluster consisting of the genes Dgeo_1986 and Dgeo_1987 of Deinococcus geothermalis was identified as a cystine importer. The expression levels of dgeo_ 1986 and dgeo_ 1987 were up-regulated by over 60-fold and 4-fold during the late exponential (L) growth phase, respectively. The double-knockout mutant of dgeo_ 1986 and dgeo_ 1987 was reduced in cystine and thiol concentrations and leading to enhanced sensitivity against H 2 O 2 stress. The expression of catalase (Dgeo_2728) as an enzymatic anti-oxidant is more induced in the wild-type strain than the Δ dgeo_ 1986-87 strain at the late growth phase. The expression level of the oxidative stress response regulator OxyR (Dgeo_1888) is dependent on the intracellular redox balance. That is, when the intracellular thiol content was reduced in the wild-type strain during the L phase, OxyR was clearly induced. Interestingly, the expression level of OxyR was higher in the Δ dgeo_ 1986-87 strain than in the wild-type strain upon H 2 O 2 treatment. Although OxyR was induced by H 2 O 2 treatment in Δ dgeo_ 1986-87 strain, where intracellular redox potential of cystine was reduced as a thiol compound due to reduced cystine import, the relative level of expression of catalase was unexpectedly down-regulated. Therefore, the catalase induction system as an enzymatic antioxidant protection should be affected via the cystine importer but not rely on the OxyR controlled manner.
Cystine importer,Hydrogen peroxide stress,Thiol redox balance,Catalase,Oxidative stress sensor OxyR,Deinococcus geothermalis
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