FHL3 promotes pancreatic cancer invasion and metastasis through preventing the ubiquitination degradation of EMT associated transcription factors.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is intractable due to its strong invasiveness and metastatic ability. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is the pivotal driver of tumor invasion and metastasis. The four-and-a-half LIM domain (FHL) family is involved in regulating transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and Ras signaling, which might control the EMT process. In this study, we found that higher expression of four-and-a-half LIM domains 3 (FHL3) predicted poor prognosis in PDAC. The decreasing of FHL3 changed the EMT phenotype by blocking the TGF beta/Atk/GSK3 beta/ubiquitin pathways. Interestingly, the GSK3 beta inhibitor could abrogate the role of FHL3 in the regulation of snail1 and twist1 expression, which implied that GSK3 beta plays a pivotal role in the FHL3-mediated EMT process. Furthermore, we found that FHL3 can directly bind to GSK3 beta, which weakened the interaction between GSK3 beta and snail1/twist1. We also found that the LIM-3 domain of FHL3 was required for the binding of FHL3 to GSK3 beta. Collectively, our study implied that FHL3, as a binding partner of GSK3 beta, promoted tumor metastasis in PDAC through inhibiting the ubiquitin-degradation of snail1 and twist1.
GSK3 beta,FHL3,EMT,Metastasis,LIM-3 domain
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