DSA guiding template assignment with multiple redundant via and dummy via insertion


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As an emerging manufacture technology, block copolymer directed self-assembly (DSA) is promising for via layer fabrication. Meanwhile, redundant via insertion is considered as an essential step for yield improvement. For better reliability and manufacturability, in this paper, we first concurrently consider DSA guiding template cost assignment with multiple redundant via and dummy via insertion. Firstly, by analyzing the structure property of guiding templates, we propose a building-block based solution expression to discard redundant solutions. Then, honoring the compact solution expression, we construct a conflict graph with dummy via insertion, and then formulate the problem to an integer linear programming (ILP). In addition, to optimize the guiding template cost, we incorporate it into the objective of ILP by introducing vertex weight and edge weight in conflict graph. To make a good trade-off between solution quality and runtime, we relax the ILP to an unconstrained nonlinear programming (UNP). Finally, a line search optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the UNP. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of our new solution expression and the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. Specifically, our guiding template cost optimization method can save 18% total guiding template cost.
Directed self-assembly,Redundant via,Guiding template cost,Unconstrained nonlinear programming,Line search
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