Abstract 099: Novel Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme 2 (ACE2) Truncates to Target the Kidney Renin-Angiotensin-System (RAS)


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ACE2 is an enzyme with a molecular size of more than 100 kDa which produces Angiotensin (1-7) from Angiotensin II (1-8). Attempts to target kidney RAS using ACE2 to treat kidney disease are hampered by its large molecular size which precludes its glomerular filtration and subsequent tubular uptake. We tested two ACE2 truncates (1-605 and 1-619AA) that we generated through truncation from the C terminus. ACE2 enzyme activity measured using Mca-APK-Dnp substrate was as high for each of them as native rACE2 (1-740 AA). The two truncates had an apparent MW of ~70 kDa, as expected from the amino acid sequence, as shown by western blot. For radioimaging each purified truncate was labeled with 99m Tc to study kidney uptake. After i.v. injection of Tc99m -labeled rACE2, there was kidney cortex retention for Tc99m 1-605 [8.6±0.7% of whole body (WB) radioactivity] and for Tc99m 1-619 (4.2±2.1% WB) as compared to only trace retention after injection of native Tc99m -rACE2 1-740 (1.2±0.2% WB)(figure). When infused to mice with genetic ACE2 deficiency, a single i.v. injection of 1-619 resulted in detectable ACE2 activity in urine and kidneys (23.1±4.3 and 1.96±0.73 RFU/ug prot/hr, respectively). In addition, the kidneys of ACE2-nul mice infused with 1-619 studied ex vivo formed more Ang (1-7) from exogenous Ang II than those of uninfused animals (p<0.05). We conclude that our novel ACE2 truncates undergo glomerular filtration which is associated with kidney uptake of enzymatically active protein that can enhance formation of Angiotensin 1-7 from Angiotensin II (1-8). These truncates may offer a potentially useful approach to target kidney RAS overactivity to combat kidney disease.
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