Temperature dependent valley polarization in WS2 heterostructures


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The absence of degeneracy in the valley indices of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers serves as a pivotal property for the development of future valleytronic devices in which both spin and charge are used to transport and store information. One essential criterion for the realization of such a device is to attain high values of polarization degree at room temperature. Here, we examine different cases of vertical WS2 heterostructures and we show that the material type used to form the heterostructure significantly influences the degree of valley polarization of WS2. Our results show the interaction between WS2 and graphene has a strong effect on the temperature dependent depolarization, with polarization degrees reaching 24% at room temperature under near-resonant excitation. This contrasts with hBN- encapsulated WS2, which exhibits a room temperature polarization degree of only 11%. The observed low depolarization rate in WS2/Graphene heterostructure is attributed to a) rapid charge and energy transfer processes of the scattered excitons via near-field interactions, b) absence of thermal dissociation of trions and thermally assisted dark-to-bright state transitions and c) partial suppression of the temperature dependent band-gap renormalization. Significant variations in the degree of polarization are also observed at 4K between the different heterostructure configurations. Intervalley hole scattering in the valence band proximity between the K and {\Gamma} points of WS2 is sensitive to the immediate environment, leading to the observed variations. These findings will be useful towards understanding fundamental spin relaxation phenomena in 2D heterostructures and engineering of specialized electronic devices based on WS2 and other TMD monolayers.
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