Metabolic Response To Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Performed In Neutral And Warm Environmental Temperature


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Objective: Hot environments are associated with impaired glucose metabolism at rest in healthy humans. The purpose of this study was to explore the contribution of key glucoregulatory hormones and biomarkers to this altered glucose tolerance. Methods: The effects of ambient temperature on glucose tolerance and its determinants were assessed with a 3-hr oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) administered to 19 healthy young men and women at 22 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Results: The glucose response amplitude was greater in warm environment (AUC 904 +/- 151 vs. 721 +/- 89 mmol/l center dot 180 min at 31 degrees C and 22 degrees C, respectively, p < .001). There was no significant effect of environmental temperature on insulin, growth hormone or pancreatic polypeptide concentrations (all p > .17). The cortisol response to the glucose load was reduced 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes postload at 31 degrees C compared with 22 degrees C (p = .001). The interleukin-6 concentration was also lower in the session at 31 degrees C (p = .043). Conclusion: We conclude that the effects of environmental temperature on the glucoregulatory hormones and biomarkers reported in this study do not explain the exaggerated increase in blood glucose after a glucose load taken in a warm environmental temperature. Precis statement: This work demonstrates in healthy men and women that the ingestion of glucose elicits an exaggerated increase in blood glucose when the environmental temperature is warm.
Metabolism, environment, oral glucose tolerance test, glucose, glucoregulation
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