Bleeding Assessment In Female Patients With The Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome-A Case Series

Joel Rivera-Concepcion,Jorge Acevedo-Canabal, Antonio Bures, Gustavo Vargas,Carmen Cadilla,Natalio J. Izquierdo


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Introduction The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is an autosomal recessive rare disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism, bleeding diathesis, chronic granulomatous colitis and/or pulmonary fibrosis. HPS is the most common single-gene disorder in Puerto Rico with a prevalence of 1:1,800 in the Northwest of the island. Risk of menorrhagia and post-partum hemorrhage (PPH) in cases of women with HPS have been described in the medical literature, but data regarding comprehensive description of bleeding diathesis remains lacking. For this reason, we aim to identify bleeding events using the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Bleeding Assessment Tool (ISTH-BAT), a standardized quantitative tool that translates the range of severity of bleeding symptoms into a cumulative bleeding score (BS). Objective To use the ISTH-BAT in HPS in order to describe bleeding symptoms and allow for comparison with other inherited bleeding disorders. Methods Puerto Rican females and adult participants with HPS based on genetic linkage were enrolled. The ISTH-BAT was administered and results were identified using descriptive statistical analysis. Results Questionnaire answers of twelve women with HPS-1 and HPS-3 were evaluated. Participants' mean BS was HPS-1 (11.4) and HPS-3 (8.0) Participants with HPS-1 and HPS-3 reported abnormal bleeding events that presented during dental extractions, menorrhagia, surgical interventions, gastrointestinal, oral cavity and post-partum. Patients with history of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) showed a higher mean bleeding score than those who had no history of PF. Conclusions Female patients with HPS type 1 and 3 experienced abnormal bleeding events according to the ISTH-BAT bleeding score. Bleeding medications were inconsistently used and varied independently from healthcare professionals. The benefits of this study were to understand the history of bleeding complications in patients with HPS type 1 and 3 using an international validated system. The results of this study will help design strategies to improve the care we provide to this population.
bleeding diathesis,hereditary bleeding disorders,Hermansky Pudlak syndrome,ISTH-BAT
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