The Shifting Landscape Of Pancreatic Cancer Research Funding.


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e17545 Background: Although pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death, it only receives approximately 2% of federal dollars distributed by the NCI. Recognizing the need for research support, patient advocacy groups and private institutions are playing a growing role in providing pancreatic cancer research funding to supplement government funds. Methods: The International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP) is an alliance of governmental and charitable organizations funding regional, national and international cancer research grants and awards which provides key information about ongoing and historical research funding. We interrogated the publicly available ICRP database and corresponding common scientific outline (CSO) codes to review the number of grants for pancreatic cancer (> 80% relevance) awarded from 2008 to 2012. We compared total pancreatic cancer research funding to non-U.S. government funding. Results: The number of awards that include pancreatic cancer decreased by 44% (909 vs 507 awards) from 2008 to 2012. Among awards focused on pancreatic cancer the percentage of funding from non-government entities compared to US government funding increased from 17% to 22% during the same time period. Analy.sis of CSO categories of non-government pancreatic cancer grants over this 5 year period suggests that community-based organizations are predominantly focused on Biology (CSO1), Early diagnosis, detection, and prognosis (CSO4), and Treatment (CSO5). It also demonstrates an increasing emphasis on Etiology (CSO2) and Prevention (CSO3) and decreased activity in Treatment (CSO5). Conclusions: The U.S. government continues to provide a large portion of awards (75 to 80%) in pancreatic cancer research. However, data suggests that the number of government awards in pancreatic research decreased from 2008 to 2012 while the number of awards from non-government entities increased. ICRP data: pancreatic cancer, 2008 - 2012 Non-U.S. governmet ICRP organizations (# awards) CSO CY2008 CY2010 CY2012 CSO 1 biology 44% 44% 48% CSO 2 etiology 3% 5% 9% CSO 3 prevention 1% 3% 6% CSO 4 early detection, diagnosis, prognosis 12% 17% 9% CSO 5 treatment 32% 27% 24% CSO 6 cancer control, survivorship, outcomes research 2% 2% 4% CSO 7 Scientific Model Systems 6% 3% 1%
pancreatic cancer research funding,pancreatic cancer
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