Developing systems that promote veterans’ recovery from military sexual trauma: Recommendations from the Veterans Health Administration national program implementation


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Veterans who experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment during military service (known as military sexual trauma [MST]) present with diverse health care needs and barriers to accessing services. Over the past 20 years, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has developed and implemented MST-specific health care services to respond to those challenges. The authors summarize 9 recommendations learned from VA's initiatives that may be helpful for non-VA health care systems interested in developing or enhancing their own services for Veterans who experienced MST. First, they recommend creating a system of care that provides varied options and paths to recovery, reflects and honors the diversity of MST survivors, and offers choice. Second, they describe the importance of ongoing staff education and training not only for specialized trauma providers but also for a wide range of professionals across disciplines. Third, the authors recommend outreach efforts that raise awareness of MST, identify common 'points of entry' into the system, and sensitively reduce barriers to care. Finally, they discuss the importance of regular evaluation and feedback to foster continuous improvement. Health care systems and individual providers can use these recommendations to enhance their own services and policies, demonstrate sensitivity to the potential issues associated with MST, and effectively assist survivors.
Veterans,military sexual trauma,systems,healthcare
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