Primary moult of continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa in the Doñana wetlands, Spain


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Capsule: Most Continental Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa limosa using the Donana wetlands during post-breeding migration appear to begin moult before they arrive and suspend moult before they migrate onwards to West Africa. Aims: We aim to describe the primary moult strategies and patterns in the Continental Black-tailed Godwits using the Donana wetlands, a major passage and wintering area for waterbirds in southern Spain. Methods: Individual godwits were captured, marked and their primary moult was scored in Donana during the non-breeding season (June-March) in 2011 and 2012. Data from resightings of colour-marked godwits and birds equipped with satellite transmitters were used to estimate stopover duration during post-breeding migration (June-September) to determine if godwits move to West Africa before completing their primary moult. Results: Average primary moult duration was estimated to be 84 days +/- 9 se, during 29 June-21 September and did not differ between sexes. Only 2% of individuals were observed with suspended moult. We estimated stopover duration in Donana to be 13 days +/- 2 se before migrating to West Africa. Conclusions: Most godwits stage for about two weeks in the Donana wetlands during southward migration, moult their primaries and appear to suspend moult before crossing the Sahara. Others may complete their primary moult in Donana, or elsewhere in Europe and overwinter in Donana where increasing numbers of godwits have been detected in recent years. A few individuals may finish the moult in Donana and migrate to West Africa late in the post-breeding season.
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