Viaje a través de los "campos" del envejecimiento, del "mundo de los mayores" al "mundo de los mayores"

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Revista INFAD de psicología(2016)

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We conducted some researches in order to explore “fields” or dimensions of elderly people’s Quality of Life (QoL), both as self-perception and hetero-perception. A set of researches were conducted in Italy and Spain, involving seniors and university students. The aim was to explore the seniors’ QoL from both their and the students’ point of view. Results showed elderly people perceived their own life better than the “other” attributed to them; they were quite good at managing Positive and Negative Emotions. Spanish university students represented more positively the elderly people’s QoL than Italian colleagues. A Positive Affect as well as an empathic attitude towards seniors affected a better representation about elderly people’s QoL. Another set of studies was focused on the elderly people’s QoL and New Technologies (NTs) as these may offer opportunities both to maintain an independent lifestyle and to being involved in relevant activities. Most participants had nor any digital skills neither prejudices on the NTs; the perceived QoL was quite positive; Self-Efficacy believes were really high. The QoL was affected only by Self-Efficacy. A workshop was held, involving a small group of both disabled and healthy seniors; it was focused on the NTs, as tools to promote an active citizenship. After Training our seniors improved their Digital Skills and their own Quality of Life. In the end, a study was conducted in order to verify how both empathy (Empatic Concern; Perspective Taking), Theory on Mind (RMET) and contact worked well to improve QoL levels attributed to elders by a group of university students. On an applicative plan, empathy and TOM should represent the backdrop in supervised experiences of contact between students and elders. Further research will be conduct on this path.
envejecimiento activo,calidad de vida,representaciones sociales,contacto,empatía
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