Retrospektywna analiza skuteczności nilotynibu i dazatynibu w drugiej linii terapii przewlekłej białaczki szpikowej w polskich ośrodkach hematologicznych [Acta Haematologica Polonica 2016; 47(3): 219–225]

Acta Haematologica Polonica(2016)

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Until now, there has been no randomized study directly comparing the activity of second-generation BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI-2G) nilotinib and dasatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The aim of our study was to retrospectively analyze efficacy of nilotinib and dasatinib in the real life setting of CML with resistance or intolerance of imatinib. Of 108 included patients treated in polish hematology centers, 75 received dasatinib and 33 patients received nilotinib. Rates of complete cytogenetic response (CCyR) did not differ between the two groups of patients. After six months of therapy, CCyR was achieved in 34.7% of patients treated with dasatinib and 38.7% treated with nilotinib (p=0.86), while after 12 months, the CCyR rates were 60.0% and 77.0% in dasatinib and nilotinib groups, respectively (p=0.11). Moreover, we have not observed any significant difference in the probability of progression-free survival (p=0.89) or overall survival (p=0.99) between patients treated with these two TKI-2G. In conclusion, the results of our analysis indicate that nilotinib and dasatinib have comparable and satisfactory efficacy in the treatment of CML patients refractory or intolerant to imatinib. Our findings support current strategy of choice of IKT-2G according to drug toxicity profile and risk of specific adverse events in an individual patient.
przewlekła białaczka szpikowa,oporność na imatynib,dazatynib,nilotynib
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