Indian journal of applied research(2015)

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Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being), and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, and rest. The sample of the present study comprised of 40 kho-kho and kabaddi players of India. Keeping the view the purpose of the study they were divided into two groups kho-kho (N=20) and kabaddi (N=20). The result shows that the Static Strength, Flexibility and Cardiovascular Endurance of kho-kho players were significantly higher than the kabaddi players. The obtained t-value 5.52, 3.32, 2.09 is more than the tabulated value t 0.05 (38) = 1.684. But there is no significant difference of Speed and Explosive Strength component between kho-kho and kabaddi players. The obtained t-value 1.50, 0.380 is less than the tabulated value t 0.05 (38) = 1.684. Introduction Health-related physical fitness is defined as fitness related to some aspect of health. This type of physical fitness is primarily influenced by an individual’s exercise habits; thus, it is a dynamic state and may change. Physical characteristics that constitute health-related physical fitness include strength and endurance of skeletal muscles, joint flexibility, body composition, and cardiorespiratory endurance. All these attributes change in response to appropriate physical conditioning programs, and all are related to health. Physical fitness has been defined as a set of attributes or characteristics that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity.The above definition from Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General is the most common currently used definition of physical fitness. It was originally used by Caspersen and has been used extensively. Large scale studies examining this issue have been primarily conducted with Caucasian samples from North America(Pitetti et al. 2001; Chanias et al.1998; Eichstaedt et al. 1991). Chen (2010) pointed out that students with intellectual impairment might not be able to understand the instructions in physical education courses at schools. Furthermore, some students were unwilling to participate in physical activities even if they could understand the instruction. The long-term consequences included overweight and poor physical fitness. Regarding physiological and motor development in people with intellectual impairment, more severe impairment causes greater variance in physiological and motor development, which is also associated with health problems (Ho, 2001; Huang, 1989; Draheim, McCubbin, u0026 Williams, 2002). Tarandeep et al. (2012) comparison of health related physical fitness components between urban and rural primary school children. The sample was 20 Subjects, 9 years of age 10 of urban primary school children (girls) and 10 subjects of rural primary school children (girls). Five Health related physical fitness components (40 yard dash, standing broad jump, handgrip, sit and reach and 600 yard run/ walk) were taken. The result shows that the static strength of rural children’s was significantly higher than the urban school children. But there is no significant difference of speed, explosive strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance components between urban and rural primary school children. Methodology Subject and Design The present study was conducted on 40 Kho-Kho and Kabaddi players of India. Keeping in view the objectives, the players were categorized into two main groups: KhoKho (20), and Kabaddi (20) players. The sample was collected from Jai Public School, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. Their age was 14 year group. Tools to be used: The physical fitness battery includes a combination of physical fitness and health related task. Three of the test was used to measure grip strength, dash and standing broad jum. The other three, all indicators of health related fitness will be selected for their suitability in field conditions, specifically for ease of administration without extensive equipment. All tests were administered during the school day. Detailed descriptions of each fitness test are described given below.  Dynamometer for static strength.  40 yard dash for speed.  600 yard run/walk for cardiovascular endurance.  Sit and reach for flexibility.  Standing broad jump for explosive strength. Statistical Analysis This was a comparative study of two group of kho-kho and kabaddi game players for finding out difference in criterion measure the mean difference of these groups were tested for significance by ‘t’ test and level of significance was set at 0.05 level. Analysis of Data and Result of the Study There are at least two level at which Data are categorized, presented and analyzed statistically in this study. The selected variable and group has been compared.
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