Donor-stabilized germylium cations. To the scheme of formation of bis(chelate) germylium ions using the complexes with lactamomethyl (С,О)-chelate ligand (enantolactam derivatives) as an example

Russian Chemical Bulletin(2017)

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Bis(chelate) dichlorogermane (L 8 CH 2 ) 2 GeCl 2 ( 1 ) with the monoanionic lactamomethyl (С,О)-chelate ligand based on enantolactam (L 8 H) was synthesized, and its molecular and crystal structures were studied. The germanium atom is characterized by the octahedral configuration with the mutual cis -arrangement of the Cl and O atoms and trans -arrangement of the C atoms. The scheme of transformation of dichlorogermane 1 into the bis(chelate) cationic complex (L 8 CH 2 ) 2 Ge(Cl)OTf ( 2 ) was proposed. The H-bonded complexes of dichlorogermane 1 with HOSO 2 CF 3 and HCl assumed to be intermediates in this process were studied by quantum chemical calculation. The energy necessary for the dissociation of the H-bonded complexes to the germylium cation and HCl 2 – and СlHOSO 2 CF 3 – anions depends on the relative arrangement of the Cl atoms in the coordination polyhedron of the Ge atom. In the case of the cis -arrangement of the Cl atoms in the H-bonded complexes, the dissociation energy was estimated as 11.5—16.1 kcal mol –1 .
hypercoordinated germanium compounds,synthesis,germylium ions,X-ray diffraction analysis,quantum chemical calculations
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