Distribution and density of the Hooded Plover 'Thinornis cucullatus' and other shorebirds along a remote coastline in north-west Tasmania

Victorian naturalist(2017)

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The Hooded Plover u0027Thinornis cucullatusu0027 is an Australian endemic shorebird, inhabiting high energy, sandy coastlines along southern Australia. The eastern population is declining in range and number. Hooded Plovers face threats including human disturbance (pedestrian traffic, vehicles) and dogs. Tasmania, with its extensive ocean beaches, is considered a stronghold for the species, yet much suitable habitat is remote and infrequently surveyed. Lack of understanding of Hooded Plover distribution and abundance can impede effective management of the species and its threats. We surveyed over 43 km of Tasmaniau0027s western coastline for Hooded Plovers to contribute towards knowledge of the species in the region, comparing results with a survey conducted in 2002. Eighty-nine Hooded Plovers were recorded at a density of 3.36 birds per km of beach habitat. To protect the high density of Hooded Plovers on this coast, it will be necessary for management agencies to mitigate prevailing threats.
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