Effect of Various Fertility Levels, Biofertiliers and Ethrel on Growth and Flowering Parameters in Sponge Gourd (Luffa cylindrica Roem.)

Satish Yadav, G.C. Yadav,S.S. Singh, Kulveer Singh Yadav, Sushil Yadav

Advances in life sciences(2016)

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Present investigation was carried out to study Effect of various fertility levels, biofertiliers and ethrel on growth and flowering parameters in sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica Roem.) on growth and flowering behaviour. The experiment was conducted during the Zaid season of 2011 at Main Experimental Station, Department of vegetable Science, N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.). Thetreatment consists of three fertility levels (50: 40: 40, 75: 50: 50, 100: 60: 60 NPK kg/ha) and three biofertilizers (Azospirillum, Azotobacterand PSB) and ethrel (250 pp). These treatments were applied in eighteen combinations. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (Factorial) and replicated thrice. The seed was sown on 17 March, 2011 at 50 cm plant distance. The results indicated that growth, flower behavilours, yield attributes and yield parameters like length of main vine (7.80m), number of branches (12.17), days taken to first female and male flower appeared (32.92 and 30.83 days), node at which first female and male flower appeared (12.67 and 5.00).
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