Characterization of H type 1 and type 1 N-acetyllactosamine glycan epitopes on ovarian cancer specifically recognized by the anti-glycan monoclonal antibody mAb-A4

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2017)

引用 17|浏览37
Cancer-specific glycans of ovarian cancer are promising epitopes for targeting with monoclonal antibodies (mAb). Despite their potential, structural characterization of these glycan epitopes remains a significant challenge in mAb preclinical development. Our group generated the monoclonal antibody mAb-A4 against human embryonic stem cells (hESC), which also bound specifically to N-glycans present on 11 of 19 ovarian cancer (OC) and 8 of 14 breast cancer cell lines tested. Normal cell lines and tissue were unstained by mAb-A4. To characterize the N-linked glycan epitopes on OC cell lines targeted by mAb-A4, we used glycosidases, glycan microarray, siRNA, and advanced high sensitivity matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The mAb-A4 epitopes were found to be Fuc alpha 1-2Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta (H type 1) and Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc beta (type 1 LacNAc). These structures were found to be present on multiple proteins from hESC and OC. Importantly, endo-beta-galactosidase coupled with MALDI-MS allowed these two epitopes, for the first time, to be directly identified on the polylactosamines of N-glycans of SKOV3, IGROV1, OV90, and OVCA433. Furthermore, siRNA knockdown of B3GALT5 expression in SKOV3 demonstrated that mAb-A4 binding was dependent on B3GALT5, providing orthogonal evidence of the epitopes' structures. The recognition of oncofetal H type 1 and type 1 LacNAc on OC by mAb-A4 is a novel and promising way to target OC and supports the theory that cancer can acquire stem-like phenotypes. We propose that the orthogonal framework used in this work could be the basis for advancing anti-glycan mAb characterization.
cancer biology,cancer therapy,embryonic stem cell,glycobiology,glycoconjugate,glycomics,mass spectrometry (MS),monoclonal antibody,ovarian cancer,small interfering RNA (siRNA)
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