Living on the edge: a toy model for holographic reconstruction of algebras with centers

Journal of High Energy Physics(2017)

引用 35|浏览11
We generalize the Pastawski-Yoshida-Harlow-Preskill (HaPPY) holographic quantum error-correcting code to provide a toy model for bulk gauge fields or linearized gravitons. The key new elements are the introduction of degrees of freedom on the links (edges) of the associated tensor network and their connection to further copies of the HaPPY code by an appropriate isometry. The result is a model in which boundary regions allow the reconstruction of bulk algebras with central elements living on the interior edges of the (greedy) entanglement wedge, and where these central elements can also be reconstructed from complementary bounda ry regions. In addition, the entropy of boundary regions receives both Ryu-Takayanagi-like contributions and further corrections that model the δArea/4G_N term of Faulkner, Lewkowycz, and Maldacena. Comparison with Yang-Mills theory then suggests that this δArea/4G_N term can be reinterpreted as a part of the bulk entropy of gravitons under an appropriate extension of the physical bulk Hilbert space.
AdS-CFT Correspondence,Models of Quantum Gravity,Gauge Symmetry
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