Does functional mobility vary among individuals with up to one year after stroke? An analysis using the TUG-ABS

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine(2018)

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Introduction/Background The Timed “Up and Go” Assessment of Biomechanical Strategies (TUG-ABS) analyses functional mobility activities of Timed “Up and Go” (TUG) test, showing to be valid and reliable for individuals with stroke. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the performance of functional mobility activities varies between subjects within the first year poststroke. Material and method Thirty-eight stroke subjects (mean age 56.5 years) of both genders and with up to one year of first stroke that caused gait deficits (gait speed  n  = 21), and another group with 4 to 12 months poststroke ( n  = 17). Study groups were compared with Mann Whitney test for TUG-ABS activities and total TUG-ABS score (TS). Results The groups were homogeneous with regard to middle age, cognitive level (Mini-Mental State Examination), neurological status (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale) and walking ability (Functional Ambulatory Category). For TUG-ABS, there was also no difference between groups for the activities: STSt: P  = 0.161; W: P  = 0.383; T: P  = 0.052; STSi: P  = 0.542, and for TS: P  = 0.144. Conclusion Although motor recovery can be influenced by lesion time, the performance of functional mobility activities did not appear to be different among subjects in the first year poststroke. This suggests that biomechanical strategies for performing these activities are developed within the first three months following stroke, indicating the importance of early intervention for rehabilitation.
Functional mobility,Stroke,Rehabilitation
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