Capturing context: An exploration of service delivery networks in complex case management

Industrial Marketing Management(2019)

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The purpose of this paper is to explore how the participation practices of stakeholder networks inform an understanding of context functioning in complex service exchange settings. We adapt the concept of the service delivery network (SDN) as a suitable approach to investigate how context is made within collaborative healthcare projects. Case management reviews in a UK Learning Disability service are the focus of study as an area of significant practical interest, and as suitable exemplars of healthcare case management. Based on a template analysis, we describe the SDN related to stakeholder participation and co-participation at the intersection of patient, commissioner and clinician networks. We identify notable variations to SDN profiles and degrees of participation of the different stakeholder networks involved. Our findings suggest a fresh focus for researching complex service settings and for case management practice. We discuss the impact of this perspective for understanding and researching context functioning and developing service theory based on mid-range empirical studies.
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