Tracheal bronchus diagnosed in children undergoing flexible bronchoscopy

Paediatric Respiratory Reviews(2018)

引用 11|浏览6
This paper describes the clinical features of paediatric patients with tracheal bronchus (TB) identified with flexible bronchoscopy (FB) in a tertiary care hospital. A retrospective review of every FB with diagnosis of TB carried out in our centre since 1990 was performed which considered specifically: age at diagnosis, gender, semiology, somatic anomalies, tracheal bronchus type, other bronchoscopic findings and clinical progress. Out of 1665 FB in 1337 patients, TB was found in 26 (1.9%). The median age was 15 months (age range 1 month–13 years), with no gender differences. Of 26 patients, a total of 24 had associated congenital pathologies (92.3%) (heart disease 69%, chromosomal abnormality 35% and spinal fusion defect 11%). FB was performed for a number of reasons including: recurrent or persistent wheezing, pneumonia or atelectasis, persistent stridor and refractory cough. The type of TB identified was primarily ectopic lobar of the right upper lobe (73%) and the apical supernumerary (11.5%). In addition to TB, other defects were found by FB in 90% of cases, such as tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia or tracheal stenosis. The review confirmed a higher prevalence of TB than expected in previous series and highlighted its association with other airway or somatic malformations, notably congenital cardiac defects and spinal fusion defects. All patients were managed conservatively for the TB.
Tracheal bronchus,Airway malformations,Pig bronchus,Children bronchoscopy
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