Pattern Of Epithelial Cell Abnormalities On Cervical Papanicolaou Smears In Hospital Of North India: A Retrospective Study.

Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine(2018)

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Introduction: Cervical cancer is the most common cancer of the female genital tract .India accounts for 25% of the cervical cancer deaths and the incidence is about 23.29%. Pap smear test is considered to be most important test for screening of cervical cancers and is regarded as gold standard for screening program.Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was carried   in Department of Pathology of a Hospital of North India, from June 2014 to Jan2017.Total of 1534 samples were screened. We followed The Bethesda system2014 for reporting the Pap smears.Results:  Out of 1534 samples, 4.8% were unsatisfactory, 90.6% were NILM, 1.4% were ASCUS, 0.8%each were LSIL, HSIL, and Squamous Cell Carcinoma 0.26% each were AGCUS and ASCH. The commonest age group affected was 30 -50 years.Conclusion: Pap Screening should focus on the peri -menopausal and the post- menopausal Group as in our study we found that most of the patients belonged to this age group.DOI:10.21276/APALM.1726
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