Current Progress and Challenges for Skeletal Muscle Differentiation from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Transgene-Free Approaches

Nunnapas Jiwlawat,Eileen Lynch, Jeremy Jeffrey,Jonathan M. Van Dyke,Masatoshi Suzuki

Stem Cells International(2018)

引用 67|浏览8
Neuromuscular diseases are caused by functional defects of skeletal muscles, directly via muscle pathology or indirectly via disruption of the nervous system. Extensive studies have been performed to improve the outcomes of therapies; however, effective treatment strategies have not been fully established for any major neuromuscular disease. Human pluripotent stem cells have a great capacity to differentiate into myogenic progenitors and skeletal myocytes for use in treating and modeling neuromuscular diseases. Recent advances have allowed the creation of patient-derived stem cells, which can be used as a unique platform for comprehensive study of disease mechanisms, in vitro drug screening, and potential new cell-based therapies. In the last decade, a number of methods have been developed to derive skeletal muscle cells from human pluripotent stem cells. By controlling the process of myogenesis using transcription factors and signaling molecules, human pluripotent stem cells can be directed to differentiate into cell types observed during muscle development. In this review, we highlight signaling pathways relevant to the formation of muscle tissue during embryonic development. We then summarize current methods to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells toward the myogenic lineage, specifically focusing on transgene-free approaches. Lastly, we discuss existing challenges for deriving skeletal myocytes and myogenic progenitors from human pluripotent stem cells.
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