Crop Disease Detection Using Image Processing (Rural Development)

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research(2017)

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ABSTRACT Agriculture is the most important factor for the development of our country. Economy and wealth of a country depends on agriculture production. Agriculture provides food as well as raw material for production industry.  Most of the farming is done in rural region. Rural area isolated, so the facility and equipment not to reach their easily . Agriculture production is inversely affected by pest infestation and plant diseases. Early identification and disease recognition will help to reduce the loss of production. To find the insufficiency of plants and nutrient requirement for the crop to cultivate well is vital thing. Unwanted nutrients also create a problem to the crops and made the economics problems also. For that we are going to develop a module. Through this the nutrition of the plant is enriched. On this view to help farmers some measurement such as physical and chemical parameters are analyzed and by using the Image processing techniques to find the nutrient requirement for the crops to grow well. Because of this we can improve the yield production up to the maximum level
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