Diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of uterine synechiae managed by hysteroscopy in the gyanecological endoscopic surgery and human reproductive teaching hospital

Etienne Belinga,Isidore Tompeen, Claude Cyrille Noa Ndoua,Junie Metogo Ntsama, Sandrine Mendibi, Jean Marie Kasia

International journal of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and gynecology(2017)

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Background: Uterine synechiae refers to a total or partial union of the inner walls of the uterus resulting from endometrial trauma. It is a cause of reproductive failure. Until now, synechia was not optimally treated and has remained understudied in Cameroon. Objective of present study was to Evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of uterine synechiae treated by hysteroscopy.Methods: We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical component from January 1st 2015 to July 31st 2017 at Yaounde. All patients diagnosed with uterine synechiae and treated with hysteroscopy were our sample. Sampling was consecutive. The chi-square test was used for the comparison of qualitative variables and Fisher's test for ANOVA variance analysis. The comparison of the averages was made by the Student's test. P-value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.Results: Hysteroscopies were indicated for uterine synechiae in 14.50%. Nulliparous were 56.67%. A history of curettage/aspiration was present in 66.66%. All of the patients had a form of infertility and 83.33% had menstrual disorders. Hysterosalpingography showed a better sensitivity (88%). After hysteroscopic treatment, 63.30% had a complete anatomical restitution. There is a significant correlation between the stage of severity of synechia and anatomical restitution (p=0.008; Spearman correlation coefficient=-0.477).Conclusions: Uterine synechiae represent one-sixth of all indications for hysteroscopy and present clinically as menstrual disorder associated with infertility. A past history of uterine curettage is common. Hysterosalpingography has a better preoperative diagnostic sensitivity. Hysteroscopy allows optimal treatment.
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