Effect of seminal plasma addition of whole and vasectomized rams to semen after collection

T. A. S. N. Silva, V. O. Miranda, J. R. Scaliante,M. M. Franco, B. D. M. Silva,Alexandre Floriani Ramos,Jairo Pereira Neves

Animal reproduction(2015)

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The seminal plasma could have a protective effect when added to thawed semen. Little is known about its effect in addition to semen immediately after collection and if seminal plasma of high freezability semen collected from whole animals and vasectomized rams, can increase the cryopreserved semen of low semen freezability rams. The objective of this study was to evaluate the addition of seminal plasma collected from whole ram (INT) and vasectomized ram (VAS) of high freezability semen in semen of low freezability before the cryopreservation process. Four rams of low freezability semen were used as semen donors and two rams with high freezability semen as seminal plasma donors. Three treatments were used: VAS – Addition of 30% of seminal plasma from vasectomized ram in the middle of pre-dilution; INT – Addition of 30% of seminal plasma from whole ram in the middle of pre-dilution; and control (CONT) - without addition of seminal plasma. We evaluated the subjective motility, total motility and progressive motility by CASA and membrane integrity after thawing (TIME 0) and after the thermal resistance test (TRT) for 4 hours (TIME 4). For statistical analysis by calculating average and standard deviation of the parameters analyzed, followed by analysis of variance using the GLIMMIX procedures, and the comparison of averages made by Tukey test corrected for multiple comparisons. It used the SAS Enterprise 5.1 program. After thawed (TIME 0) the parameters subjective motility, total motility, progressive motility and membrane integrity in the VAS treatment (59.72 ± 3.4, 60.08 ± 2.6, 40.94 ± 3.4, 39.52 ± 2.7) and INT treatment (49.84 ± 2.9, 49.74 ± 3.6, 31.79 ± 3.4, 30.95 ± 2.6) was higher (Pu003c0.05) than the CONT treatment (37.90 ± 2.5, 36.58 ± 3.5, 22.12 ± 1.9, 2.7 ± 21:18). With regard to the parameters after the TRT (TIME 4) subjective motility in VAS treatment (50.78 ± 3.6) and INT treatment (40.02 ± 4.0) was higher (P u003c0.05) than the CONT treatment (27.88 ± 2.6). As for the parameters of total motility, progressive motility and membrane integrity VAS treatment (51.92 ± 3.5, 35.46 ± 3.4, 38.78 ± 1.4) was higher (P u003c0.05) than INT treatment (38.86 ± 2.9, 24.36 ± 3.5, 24.11 ± 2.0) and CONT treatment (28.91 ± 2.2, 12.19 ± 3.0, 02.11 ± 1.6) and the INT treatment was higher (P u003c0.05) than CONT treatment. The addition of seminal plasma before the cryopreservation process, can improve the resistance of damage caused in cryopreserved ram semen, with seminal plasma collected from vasectomized animals having best results.
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