Issue and challenges for wetland biodiversity in Sultanpur national park, Haryana

IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review(2015)

引用 23|浏览2
Biodiversity is the important resource for the society. Haryana as an agriculture dominant state, have more are under the intense agriculture has very less scope for the development of wetland ecosystem with having rich biodiversity. Sultanpur national park id the best destination for the biodiversity it has a huge biodiversity comprising rare migratory and local bird species. But now Human activities are putting a lot of pressure on the biodiversity of the Sultanpur National Park in form destruction of habitat due to grazing of cattle, protected areas personnel and local people conflict, increasing population of people and the livestock, withdrawal of water below critical limits that leads to water crises in SNP, unsustainable tourism, conflict for fuel wood and fodder collection by the villagers, villagers also use to break the boundary wall for this type of activities. Institutional land encroachment around the SNP is the main factor for the degradation.Biodiversity of the nationalparkis underthreat, somespecies arenear about todistinction.
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