Efficacy of Freshly Collected Amniotic Membrane Local Application in Wound Management.

Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research(2016)

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: Wound management is most important and challenging job in medical field.as we know there are regulatory guidelines for wound management .wound  has  two major type’s acute and chronic .acute wound subdivided into post-operative wound, abrasion, contusion, superficial burn which heal with conventional line of treatment. We are concerned about non healing wound. Chronic wound is defined as the wound which is more than 3 months old and not responding to treatment. The causes for chronic wound are numerous, underlining chronic infective diseases, nutritional deprivation, and arterial or venous blood impermanent, post radiation injury, immunocompremised status of patient, diabetes. Chronic wound not respond always to conventional line of treatment so what option we have?  As we know numerous new strategies are employed to manage wound .amongst them are hyperbaric oxygen therapy, electric stimulation of skin, maggot therapy, leech therapy, vacuum. Science based on three important pillars 1.pharma 2.biology 3.medical devices and equipment’s .the cell therapy including stem cell is most important fourth pillar. in day to day ,pharma division are engage into finding new molecules to combat bacteria,viruses,fungi.to implement one new molecule required billion of dollar irrespective to short life of that molecule. Stem cell are most important therapeutic approach for wound management including acute as well as chronic wound. Globally conducted clinical trials shows   , new hope to new therapeutic approach based on stem cell. In this article, we are working on using pregnancy specific biological substances –placenta, amniotic membrane, Wharton’s jelly, umbilical split cord as local dressing for nonhealing ulcer irrespective underlining causes of diseases Under guidance of Dr. Niranjan Bhattacharya who coined term pregnancy specific biological substances ,he  published book  pregnancy specific biological substances in international journals .so I will carried out this terminology further with underlining his reference. Also bone marrow derived MSC, adipose tissue derived MSC are used for local application, systemic transplantation, and infiltration surrounding wound edges. Stem cell work on two principle which are regeneration and repair As per   Paul Martin et al. We are using freshly collected amniotic membrane after screening for HIV 1 u0026 2,Hepatitis B u0026 C,VDRL,cytomegalovirus u0026 Donor consent, hospital ethical committee approval .our research project going on in government hospital ,Kolkata, India
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