Trends in survival of childhood solid tumors diagnosed 1985-2008 in the Nordic countries.

Journal of Clinical Oncology(2017)

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9590 Background: Classification of childhood solid tumors differs greatly from tumors diagnosed in adults. Thus establishment of childhood cancer registries is essential to monitor changes and progress in cancer care. Methods: All individuals born in the Nordic countries are allocated a unique ID number and have access to comprehensive health care services. Further, it is required by law that all new cases of cancer are reported to cancer registries. This makes it possible to achieve almost complete registration of all cancer cases and their status together with information regarding the cancer tumour and its treatment. Status registrations were made partly from national population registries and partly from death registries only, as conditions differ between countries. Crude survival was modelled using the Kaplan-Meier method stratified by selected diagnostic groups, age groups and diagnostic period. The crude estimates were compared with log-rank tests. Results: In total, 12,343 children u003c15 yrs of age ...
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