Predictive value of donor age for recipient lung function and CLAD-free survival after lung transplantation


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Introduction: One option to increase the number of organs for lung transplantation (LuTx) is to use lungs from older donors, and recipient survival disadvantage for donors u003e55 years has not been shown. This study aims to elucidate the effects of donor age on recipient lung function, chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) and survival. Methods: Donor age and recipient data for all double lung transplantations (DLTx) in Norway between 1990 and 2013 were assessed. Results: Data were available for 303 out of 306 DLTx. Mean donor age was 41.9 years (SD: 15.3, Range: 9-69). There was a sig. correlation between donor and recipient age (r=.27, p 55 years to younger donors. However, we found an inverse correlation between donor age and lung function (FEV1%, DLCO%, 6MWT) at 2 years post LuTx, and comparing CLAD vs. non-CLAD, donor age was sig. higher in recipients with CLAD at 2-year (50 vs 40, p=0.01) follow-up while recipient age was similar. The survival was lower in recipients with organs from donors aged 40-54 years (figure 1) compared to both older and younger donors. Conclusion: Recipient lung function at two years post LuTx inversely correlated with donor age, and recipients with donors aged 40-54 had reduced survival. Whether this was due to donor factors or recipient selection should be determined in larger studies.
Transplantation,Spirometry,Lung function testing
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