Is it feasible for respiratory physiologists to carry out inhaler device technique checks during routine pulmonary function tests

Rachel Anglin,Paul M. O’Byrne,Geraldine Nolan, Suzanne Morrin, Geraldine Moore,Emma Flood, Orla Farrelly, Majella Gilmartin


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Studies have shown that many patients are using their inhalers incorrectly 1 . It is recommended that patients should have inhaler device technique checks at every contact with a healthcare professional (HCP) 2 . A pilot study was carried out on patients attending for PFTs in three hospitals. Inhaler device technique was assessed using standardised checklists and patients viewed relevant educational videos if poor technique was demonstrated. Seventy seven patients were assessed with a mean age of 60 years. 66% were taking inhalers for more than a year and 41/77 (53%) had 2 or more inhaler device types. 75% had been shown how to use their inhalers initially by a HCP but only 42% had inhaler device technique checks since. 125 device technique checks were performed, 78 were successful with poor technique in 47/125. Thirty seven patients were shown one or more educational videos and 24 (72%) demonstrated good inhaler technique when rechecked. The remaining patients were referred to the Respiratory CNS for further education. The mean time taken to perform inhaler device technique checks with video was 8 minutes. Respiratory Physiologists can provide a relevant “moment” of inhaler technique checks during PFTs. References: 1. Federica Lavorini, Omar S Usmani. Prim Care Respir J 2013; 22(4): 385-386 2. Hellen K. Reddel. Eric D. Bateman, Allan Becker et al. ERJ Express (2015) 10.1183/139993003.00853-2015.
Asthma - management,COPD - management,Education
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