The RESOLVE Survey Atomic Gas Census and Environmental Influences on Galaxy Gas Reservoirs


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We present the H I mass inventory for the REsolved Spectroscopy Of a Local VolumE (RESOLVE) survey, a volume-limited, multi-wavelength census of > 1500 z. =. 0 galaxies spanning diverse environments and complete in baryonic mass down to dwarfs of similar to 10(9) M-circle dot. This first 21 cm data release provides robust detections or strong upper limits (1.4M(H I) < 5%-10% of stellar mass M-*) for similar to 94% of RESOLVE. We examine global atomic gas-to-stellar mass ratios (G/S) in relation to galaxy environment using several metrics: group dark matter halo mass Mh,central/satellite designation, relative mass density of the cosmic web, and distance to the nearest massive group. We find that at fixed M*, satellites have decreasing G/S with increasing Mh starting clearly at M-h similar to 10(12) M-circle dot, suggesting the presence of starvation and/or stripping mechanisms associated with halo gas heating in intermediate-mass groups. The analogous relationship for centrals is uncertain because halo abundance matching builds in relationships between central G/S, stellar mass, and halo mass, which depend on the integrated group property used as a proxy for halo mass (stellar or baryonic mass). On larger scales G/S trends are less sensitive to the abundance matching method. At fixed M-h <= 10(12) M-circle dot, the fraction of gas-poor centrals increases with largescale structure density. In overdense regions, we identify a rare population of gas-poor centrals in low-mass (M-h < 10(11.4) M-circle dot) halos primarily located within similar to 1.5 x the virial radius of more massive (M-h > 10(12) M-circle dot) halos, suggesting that gas stripping and/or starvation may be induced by interactions with larger halos or the surrounding cosmic web. We find that the detailed relationship between G/S and environment varies when we examine different subvolumes of RESOLVE independently, which we suggest may be a signature of assembly bias.
galaxies: evolution,galaxies: ISM
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