Interest Of The Cd148, Cd180 And Cd200 Combination In Flow Cytometry Analyses For Mature B-Cell Neoplasms Diagnosis


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There are a number of small B-cell proliferations that do not fall into any of the types of B-cell neoplasms recognized in the WHO classification using classical immunophenotypic markers. This situation is notably encountered in the case of the differential diagnosis of marginal zone lymphoma (MZL), atypical chronic lymphocytic leukemia (aCLL) mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) or lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL). This is mostly due to the lack of immunological specific markers especially when histological samples are not available or during leukemic phases of atypical B-cell neoplasms. In order to find new markers to discriminate between these different malignancies, we have previously developed a proteomic strategy based on the analyses of plasma membrane microparticles and proposed two new specific markers: CD148 and CD1801, 2 for MCL and MZL respectively. The simultaneous use of these two markers, together with the CD200 that is positive in most cases of CLL and negative in MCL3 could be of great interest to better assess the differential diagnosis.
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