PTU-288 Taking the ibd standards forward in scotland: a national patient survey


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Introduction Crohns and Colitis UK, working with Scottish Government, have commited to a project to raise the standards of care for patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Scotland. The programme’s objective is to develop a national strategy for IBD service improvement, led by a national steering group supported by the findings from pilots in two diverse Health Boards. As part of the process, a large national survey was commissioned. The aim of the study, therefore, was to present the data generated from 777 partcipants who responded to the survey. Method An on line questionnaire was developed and completed by people living in Scotland who have IBD. The survey was a snap shot of their views and experiences of their NHS health care provision, with a particular focus on their most recent flare up. The survey contained a combination of quantitive and qualitative (reported seperately) questions. The survey was designed to be completed on-line (Survey Monkey) and was distributed through the Crohns and Colitis UK website and membership database. Social digital networks were also used to promote the survey. The survey was conducted between March and May 2013. Results 777 particpants responded to the survey (68% female). The majority of respondents were aged 16–65 (88%). 64% said that they had an IBD nurse. 79% of patients had an annual review. This review was principally by a gastroenterologist (78%). 50% of patients had suffered a disease flare in the previous 6 months. Principal symptoms of the last flare will be presented. 19% of patients self-treated during their last flare, 41% contacted their GP and 33% contacted their IBD nurse. Patients would like to have had a referral to an Occupational therapist, careers adviser and social worker. over 328 patients took time off during their last flare, with 40% taking over a week off. Conclusion This survey provides confirmation that there are many people with IBD living in Scotland whose NHS service provision falls below that outlined in the IBD Standards. Prompt diagnosis, readily available information, quick access to advise and support are issues that are frequently raised. The results of the survey have informed the pilot Health Boards, who have developed workstreams to address areas of deficiencies, Disclosure of interest None Declared.
ibd standards,national patient survey
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