Epidemiosurveillance of animal rabies in Belgium: a single case recorded in 1999

B Brochier,P Dechamps,F Costy,L Hallet,D Peharpre,C Saegerman, F Mosselmans,R Beier, L Lecomte, P Mullier,H Roland,B Bauduin, T Kervyn,P Chalon, C Renders,PP Pastoret

Annales De Medecine Veterinaire(2000)

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During 1999, rabies was confirmed in one bovine in the <> of Bastogne in southern Belgium (province of Luxemburg). The last case of fox rabies was recorded on the 3rd of April 1998 in the same commune. During 1999, two aerial vaccinations were carried out in April and October (baiting density: 17 baits per km(2)) and an additional campaign of cubs vaccination was performed in May by distributing manually about 10-20 baits per breeding den. Furthermore, a small scale emergency distribution baits was also conducted in early September. Results from both tetracycline (biomarker) and rabies antibodies detection tests showed that the vaccination campaign carried out in April 1999 was the most efficient. Thanks to an appropriate strategy of fox vaccination and a good cross-border cooperation, the last residual rabies focus in Belgium is being to be eliminated.
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