Loss of microRNA-23–27–24 clusters in skeletal muscle is not influential in skeletal muscle development and exercise-induced muscle adaptation


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MicroRNAs are small regulatory noncoding RNAs that repress gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. Previous studies have reported that the expression of miR-23, miR-27, and miR-24, driven from two miR-23–27–24 clusters, is altered by various pathophysiological conditions. However, their functions in skeletal muscle have not been clarified. To define the roles of the miR-23–27–24 clusters in skeletal muscle, we generated double-knockout (dKO) mice muscle-specifically lacking the miR-23–27–24 clusters. The dKO mice were viable and showed normal growth. The contractile and metabolic features of the muscles, represented by the expression of the myosin heavy chain and the oxidative markers PGC1-α and COX IV, were not altered in the dKO mice compared with wild-type mice. The dKO mice showed increased cross-sectional areas of the oxidative fibers. However, this dKO did not induce functional changes in the muscles. The dKO mice also showed normal adaptation to voluntary wheel running for 4 weeks, including the glycolytic-to-oxidative fiber type switch, and increases in mitochondrial markers, succinate dehydrogenase activity, and angiogenesis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that the miR-23–27–24 clusters have subtle effects on skeletal muscle development and endurance-exercise-induced muscle adaptation.
miRNAs,Orthopaedics,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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