Status and Utilization of the Beam Facility at KOMAC

Journal of the Korean Physical Society(2018)

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Korea Multi-Purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC) has been supporting a user beam service using 20- and 100-MeV proton beam facilities since the second half of 2013, and recently, beam facilities for radioisotope production and a low-flux proton beam have been built. A 100-MeV low-flux proton beam facility was constructed in 2007, which was due to the strong requirements of users in various R&D fields, such as space radiation, medical/biology, and radiation detectors. For the low-flux beam facility, the compact modules for beam flux control were designed, and various beam diagnosis tools were installed in the target room. In the process room, a user-friendly measurement system, consisting of DC power supplies, electrometers, NIM modules, was designed for data processing and acquisition. In addition, the ion beam facilities based on gas and metal ion sources provide an ion implantation service. In particular, beam analysis services, such as PIXE and RBS, have been started using the tandem accelerator. Moreover, analysis equipment for the material, device/electronic, and bio/medical fields was installed at KOMAC for confirming the effects of beam irradiation on various samples. Finally, we aim to provide users with a one-stop service from beam irradiation to measurement at KOMAC.
100 MeV proton,Accelerator,Radio-isotope,Space radiation
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