Subtyping of the Legionella pneumophila "Ulm" outbreak strain using the CRISPR-Cas system.

International Journal of Medical Microbiology(2015)

引用 13|浏览36
In 2009/2010 an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease with 64 cases including four fatalities took place in the city of Ulm/Neu-Ulm in Germany. L. pneumophila serogroup 1, mAb type Knoxville, sequence type (ST) 62 was identified as the epidemic strain. This strain was isolated from eight patients and from a cooling tower in the city of Ulm. Based on whole genome sequencing data from one patient strain, we identified an Lvh type IV secretion system containing a CRISPR–Cas system. The CRISPR sequence contains 38 spacer DNA sequences. We used these variable DNA spacers to further subtype the outbreak strain as well as six epidemiologically unrelated strains of CRISPR–Cas positive ST62 strains isolated at various regions in Germany. The first 12 spacer DNAs of eight patient isolates and three environmental isolates from the suspected source of infection were analyzed and found to be identical. Spacer DNAs were identified in further six epidemiologically unrelated patient isolates of L. pneumophila of ST62 in addition to the 12 “core” spacers. The presence of new spacer DNAs at the 5′ site downstream of the first repeat indicates that these CRISPR–Cas systems seem to be functional. PCR analysis revealed that not all L. pneumophila sg1 ST62 strains investigated exhibited a CRISPR–Cas system. In addition, we could demonstrate that the CRISPR–Cas system is localized on a genomic island (LpuGI-Lvh) which can be excised from the chromosome and therefore may be transferable horizontally to other L. pneumophila strains.
Legionella pneumophila Ulm,Outbreak,CRISPR–Cas,Genomic island
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