Genetic diversity of submergence stress response in cytoplasms of the Triticum-Aegilops complex


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Genetic diversity in cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes and their interaction affecting adaptive traits is an attractive research subject in plants. We addressed submergence stress response of wheat that has become increasingly important but remained largely uninvestigated. Our primary aim was to disclose cytoplasmic diversity using nucleus-cytoplasm (NC) hybrids possessing a series of heterologous cytoplasms in a common nuclear background. Effects of submergence on seedling emergence and growth from imbibed seeds were studied and compared with euplasmic lines. Marked phenotypic variabilities were observed among both lines, demonstrating divergent cytoplasmic and nuclear effects on submergence response. NC hybrids with cytoplasm of Aegilops mutica showed a less inhibition, indicative of their positive contribution to submergence tolerance, whereas cytoplasms of Aegilops umbellulata and related species caused a greater inhibition. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity showed a marked increase accompanied by retardation of seedling growth in a susceptible NC hybrid. The observation suggested that the elevated SOD activity was resulted from a high level of reactive oxygen species accumulated and remained in susceptible seedlings. Taken together, our results point to the usefulness of NC hybrids in further studies needed to clarify molecular mechanisms underlying the nucleus-cytoplasm interaction regulating submergence stress response in wheat.
Submergence Stress,Triticum-Aegilops Complex,Submergence Response,Nucleus-cytoplasm Interactions,Imbibed Seeds
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