Enhanced Authentication Methods for Access and Control Management in Cloud Computing

Shyam Prasad Teegala, C. Vijai,Amandeep Nagpal, R Anuradha, Ali Aljbori, Swathi B

2023 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON)(2023)

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Cloud computing has become a disruptive technology that provides both consumers and organizations with scalable and affordable solutions. But serious security concerns have been brought up by the growing use of cloud services, especially when it comes to access and control management. Conventional authentication techniques, such two-factor authentication and passwords, have shown to be insufficient to protect cloud resources from a constantly changing array of cyberthreats. This study investigates improved authentication techniques created to handle the particular difficulties associated with cloud computing access and control administration. The study looks into a number of methods, such as adaptive access control, biometrics, multi-factor authentication, and behavioral analysis based on machine learning. By making the authentication process more reliable and easier to use, these techniques hope to lower the dangers of data breaches and unauthorized access. Additionally, the study explores how these improved authentication techniques might be used in a cloud computing context while taking data protection laws, scalability, and user friendliness into account. In order to achieve a balance that maximizes security without sacrificing the user experience, the study also looks at the trade-offs between security and user convenience. The results of this study have the potential to greatly help both individuals and businesses that use cloud services by providing enhanced security against unwanted access while preserving a smooth and intuitive user experience. Improved authentication techniques are becoming more and more necessary to guarantee the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of vital data and resources as cloud computing remains an essential component of contemporary IT architecture.
Authentication,control management,access,Cloud computing,protection
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