Adolescents consulting general practitioners for psychological problems-a nationwide, register-based study in Norway.


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Background Psychological problems are increasing among adolescents, but little is known about the role of GPs in this area. Objectives This study aims to investigate the frequency of GP consultations with a psychological diagnosis in adolescence and predictors for such help seeking. Methods Nationwide longitudinal register-based study investigating GP consultations among adolescents aged 13-17 years (N = 123 516) in Norway. First, all GP consultations within the study population were identified from the national GP claims register for 2006-11. Second, adolescents with a first-time consultation with a psychological diagnosis at age 15-16 years were identified, and prior GP consultations, prior somatic diagnoses, parental education and GP and GP-practice characteristics were assessed as possible predictors for seeking help. Results From age 13 to 17 years, 15.3% of girls and 13.0% of boys had 1 GP consultation with a psychological diagnosis. In total, 6.8% of girls and 4.8% of boys consulted a GP for the first time with a psychological problem at age 15-16 years. For both sexes, number of prior GP consultations and a prior diagnosis of headache and abdominal pain predicted consulting with an internalizing problem (depression, anxiety and stress). A prior headache diagnosis predicted consulting for behavioural problems. Psychological diagnoses were more often found among adolescents with lower parental education. There were only minor associations with GP characteristics. Conclusions Norwegian adolescents often consult a GP and one in seven had a GP-diagnosed psychological problem at age 13-17. Policies to improve mental health care for adolescents should include strengthening of GP services.
Adolescent,adolescent psychology,consultation,epidemiology,general practice,health care
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