The p16-Ki-67-HMB45 Immunohistochemistry Scoring System is Highly Concordant With the Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Test to Differentiate Between Melanocytic Nevi and Melanomas.


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The treatment of melanoma requires early diagnosis and extensive surgical removal of the primary tumor. The differential diagnosis between a melanoma and a nevus is sometimes difficult from a histopathologic point of view and could require ancillary diagnostic tools. Recently, both fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and p16-Ki-67-HMB45 combined immunohistochemistry have been proposed as examples of ancillary diagnostic methods to help classify melanocytic tumors as benign or malignant. In this study, we compare FISH and p16-Ki-67-HMB45 immunohistochemistry in a set of melanomas and nevi. A total of 101 formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumor samples (44 melanomas and 57 nevi) were analyzed using FISH for chromosomes 6, 8, 9, and 11 and p16-Ki-67-HMB45 immunohistochemistry. Any chromosomal imbalances and/or a p16-Ki-67-HMB45 immunohistochemistry combined score of 4 or higher were considered to reflect a "favor" malignant tumor. Using FISH, 42 out of 44 melanomas presented at least 1 chromosomal imbalance, whereas 2 melanomas and all nevi did not. Each melanoma, including 6 challenging tumors, had a pl 6Ki-67-HMB45 immunohistochemistry combined score of 4 or higher and every nevus had a score inferior to 4. This reflects an excellent strength of agreement between FISH, immunohistochemistry, and definitive histopathologic diagnosis in our tumor set. We conclude that both FISH and p16-Ki-67-HMB45 combined immunohistochemistry are valuable ancillary diagnostic tools to help pathologists classify melanocytic tumors as nevi or melanomas.
melanoma,nevus,immunohistochemistry,fluorescent in situ hybridization,p16,Ki-67,HMB45
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