Psychosocial rehabilitation after war trauma with adaptive disclosure: Design and rationale of a comparative efficacy trial.

Julie D Yeterian, Danielle S Berke,Brett T Litz

Contemporary clinical trials(2017)

引用 13|浏览6
BACKGROUND:Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from warzone exposure is associated with chronic and disabling social and occupational problems. However, functional impairment is rarely assessed or targeted directly in PTSD treatments, which instead focus on symptom reduction. Trauma-related contributors to diminished functioning, including guilt, shame, and anger resulting from morally compromising or loss-based war experiences, are also underemphasized. The goal of this clinical trial is to fill a substantial gap in the treatment of military-related PTSD by testing a modified Adaptive Disclosure (AD) therapy for war-related PTSD stemming from moral injury and traumatic loss focused on improving psychosocial functioning AD. METHOD AND DESIGN:This paper describes the rationale and design of a multi-site randomized controlled trial comparing AD to Present-Centered Therapy (PCT). We will recruit 186 veterans with PTSD, who will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 3- and 6-months post-treatment. Primary outcomes are functional changes (i.e., functioning/disability and quality of life). Secondary outcomes are mental health variables (i.e., PTSD, depression, guilt, shame). We hypothesize that veterans treated with AD will experience greater improvements in all outcomes compared to those treated with PCT. DISCUSSION:This trial will advance knowledge in rehabilitation research by testing the first therapy specifically designed to address psychosocial functioning among veterans with war-related PTSD. The results may improve the quality of mental health care for veterans by offering an ecologically sound treatment for experiences that are uniquely impactful for war veterans.
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