Collagen type III and elastin genes polymorphism and the risk of nonsyndromic striae.


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Background Striae have been reported to be one of the most common skin lesions and a commonly encountered esthetic problem. Objectives The aim of this research was to examine elastin gene polymorphism (rs7787362, ELN) and collagen type III alpha 1 polymorphism (rs1800255, COL3A1) among polish woman population with SD in comparison with women without the lesions and to verify these polymorphisms as risk factors for SD. Methods Seventy female students (35 with striae (the mean age 23.9 years, SD 1.2 years) and 35 without these lesions (22.9 years, SD 1.7 years)) were included in the study. The subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire including questions concerning risk factors for SD and had a cheek swabbed for cells for DNA isolation. Results Analysis of polymorphisms of elastin gene (rs7787362) and COL3A1 gene (rs1800255) showed that women with SD and without these lesions did not differ in these aspects. Polymorphism rs7787362 was also analyzed in relation to SD in different locations, and showed no differences. Conclusion In conclusion, we found that there are some clinical factors that reduced the risk of SD: history of intended weight loss, negative family history of SD, and lower BMI. Gene polymorphisms analysis in patients with SD may help to establish the etiology of these lesions and to target the therapy. Analysis of polymorphisms of elastin gene (rs7787362) did not show differences in allele distribution between women with and without SD. Polymorphisms of COL3A1 gene (rs1800255) also did not differ between the examined groups.
collagen,elastin,polymorphism,striae distensae
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