[Screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of hepatitis C virus related liver disease. National consensus guideline in Hungary from 22 September 2017].


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The treatment of hepatitis C is based on a national consensus guideline updated six-monthly according to local availability and affordability of approved therapies through a transparent allocation system in Hungary. This updated guideline incorporates some special new aspects, including recommendations for screening, diagnostics, use and allocation of novel direct acting antiviral agents. The indication of therapy in patients with no contraindication is based on the demonstration of viral replication with consequent inflammation and/or fibrosis in the liver. Non-invasive methods (elastographies and biochemical methods) are preferred for liver fibrosis staging. The budget allocated for these patients is limited. Interferon-based or interferon-free therapies are available for the treatment. Due to their limited success rate as well as to their (sometimes severe) side-effects, the mandatory use of interferon-based therapies as first line treatment can not be accepted from the professional point of view. However, they can be used as optional therapy in treatment-naive patients with mild disease. As of interferon-free therapies, priority is given to those with urgent need based on a pre-defined scoring system reflecting mainly the stage of the liver disease, but considering also additional factors, i.e., hepatic decompensation, other complications, activity and progression of liver disease, risk of transmission and other special issues. Approved treatments are restricted to the most cost-effective combinations based on the cost per sustained virological response value in different patient categories with consensus amongst treating physicians, the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary and patients' organizations. Interferon-free treatments and shorter therapy durations are preferred.
direct acting antiviral drug,genotype,hepatitis C virus,hepatocellular carcinoma,interferon,liver cirrhosis,polymerase inhibitor,protease inhibitor,replication complex inhibitor,viral hepatitis
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