[Metameric macular and papular skin mastocytosis].

M Maciejewski, J-M Debarre, S Georgin-Lavialle,S Kettani,S Olschwang, M Guérin-Moreau,Y Le Corre,L Martin

Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie(2017)

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Background. - Mastocytosis is characterised by the presence of abnormal quantities of mastocytes in one or more organs. Although it occurs in systemic forms of mastocytosis, isolated skin involvement is the predominant presentation, particularly in children, in the form of more or less extensive though non-systematic lesions. Herein, we report a case of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis that is unusual in terms of its metameric topography. Patients and methods. - A 16-yeth-old youth presented with an erythematous maculopapular rash of 18 months' duration and involving pruritic inflammatory episodes strictly localised in segment T8 to the left. The skin biopsy showed a significant increase in the number of dermal mastocytes (CD117+). No KIT mutations were found in the skin lesions nor in the unimpaired skin of the opposite side. Further investigations ruled out systemic mastocytis. Discussion. - Herein, we report a case of cutaneous mastocytosis that is unusual in terms of its metameric disposition. There have been only two previous reports of segmental cutaneous mastocytis. The two pathological hypotheses involved precessional dermatitis that renders the skin surface susceptible to homing, and somatic mosaicism (type 1) with local mastocyte proliferation. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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