An end-to-end framework for safe software development.

Microprocessors and Microsystems(2018)

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It is largely recognized that the architectures of embedded systems are becoming more and more complex both at hardware and software levels. Despite the significant advances in the development tools, developing the software of such systems while ensuring their safety is still a difficult task. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end programming framework to ease the development of safe software systems. The programming framework, supported by a proper methodology and workflow, make it possible to design safe/secure software that implements functional requirements while respecting multiple non-functional requirements and mastering architectural complexity, time-to-market and cost. The programming framework is based on five concepts: (1) model-based system engineering: MBSE, (2) design-by-contract approach, (3) formal analysis of models based on symbolic execution, (4) code generation, and (5) static and dynamic code analysis. The effectiveness of the methodology has been demonstrated through multiple use-cases. The framework is realized using CEA LIST ( open-source development platforms: Papyrus, Frama-C, and UNISIM-VP. These platforms are results of many research and industrial projects such as FP7-SafeAdapt11SafeAdapt project was funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program under the grant number “608945”., FUI-EQUITAS22EQUITAS project was funded by Bpifrance under call FUI-AAP16 with a contract number “F1312031-Q”., FP7-STANCE33STANCE project was also funded by the European Commission under the ICT theme of the 7th Framework Program with the grant agreement number “317753”., CATRENE-OpenES44OpenES project was funded under the CATRENE Program with the agreement number “CA703–2013”., FSN-SESAM Grids55SESAM Grids is a “Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir” project funded by “FSN-Briques Génériques du Logiciel Embarqué N°3” with contract number “O14830-67155”., and H2020-VESSEDIA66VESSEDIA project is funded by the European Commission under the SEC theme of the H2020 Framework Program with the grant agreement number “731453”..
Embedded systems,Model-driven development,Safety Analysis,Simulation
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