The duplication issue within the Drebin dataset

Paul Irolla, Alexandre Dey

J. Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques(2018)

引用 19|浏览16
The Drebin dataset (in: NDSS, 2014 ) is the most supplied academic dataset of Android malware. Therefore it is the most used dataset in research papers on Android malware detection. The research community is using it for evaluation and comparison of their algorithms. We discovered that 49.35% of samples in this dataset has at least one other sample that is a repackaged version containing exactly the same sequence of opcode. The only differences between the original malware and the duplicated ones, in all cases, are the resources embedded and some strings in the code. For assessing the performance of malware detectors or classifiers, a part of the dataset is used for this purpose. So a major part of the testing set end up beeing the same samples that have been used in the training set. This situation can lead us, the research community, to overrate the performance of algorithms we are designing. In the worst case, it leads us to wrong conclusions and wrong directions for future research. Then we conduct an experiment where we test several classification algorithms on the Drebin dataset with and without the duplicates. Our results show that depending on the classifier the full dataset can lead from moderately (124%) to strongly (172%) underrated inaccuracy , and the order of performance of the algorithms is modified. Finally we provide the list of unique malware samples from the Drebin dataset , available on Github .
Android, Malware detection, Machine learning, Dataset
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