Increased Risk of Tinea Pedis and Onychomycosis Among Swimming Pool Employees in Netanya Area, Israel


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Tinea pedis and onychomycosis often co-occur in individuals. A relationship between swimming pools and tinea pedis exists; however, little research has investigated the relationship between onychomycosis, tinea pedis, and swimming pools. This study sought to examine the prevalence of tinea pedis and onychomycosis among swimming pool employees, a population that may be at risk of tinea infections. Samples were taken from 169 employees at 21 swimming pools in the Netanya area, Israel. KOH microscopy and culture was used to identify fungi. About 46 % of swimming pool employees had concurrent tinea pedis and onychomycosis, 30 % had tinea pedis only, and 6 % had onychomycosis only, compared to 10, 8, and 8 % of controls, respectively. After adjusting for age and gender, swimming pool employees were 20× more likely to have concurrent tinea pedis and onychomycosis, 15× more likely to have tinea pedis only, and 3× more likely to have onychomycosis only compared to controls. The present results are in agreement with previous research and support that swimming pools remain an important source of fungal contamination. More attention to hygienic guidelines and preventative measures may be needed in these settings.
Fungal infection,Athlete’s foot,Tinea unguium,Dermatophyte,Nondermatophyte
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